ExxonMobil Crane and Lifting Tier 1

ExxonMobil Crane and Lifting Tier 1 Best Practice
Given at Training Center


ExxonMobil Crane and Lifting Tier 1 Best Practice

ExxonMobil Crane and Lifting Tier 1 Best Practice, is a series of 4 CBT’s (Computer Based Training Modules), that have been adopted by Exxon Mobil Corporation and its affiliates, these Manufacturing Best Practices are a part of an ongoing global effort to enhance safe practices worldwide. This Best Practice has been designated a Tier 1 Manufacturing Best Practice (T1BP), which has the potential to prevent Category 1 safety, health, environmental, or security risks. This training defines the minimum requirements to prevent fatal injuries associated with lifting and rigging activities. ExxonMobil Sites must establish Site-specific procedures which are consistent with these guidelines and ensure compliance with all requirements of this T1BP.
1. ExxonMobil T1BP #1: Lift Crew
2. ExxonMobil T1BP #2: Crane Operator and Director
3. ExxonMobil T1BP #3: Rigger and Signal Person
4. ExxonMobil T1BP #4: Lifting Near Overhead Power Lines
Click to print Reference Document for Cranes and Lifting Operations (Rev 4)