All students are subject to the following rules.
Safety Center classes are offered in English only. Students must pass a written test in English. No interpreters or “helpers” are allowed.
Anyone falsifying identification or caught cheating may be subject to suspension from the training center.
Attendees, clothing and shoes must be free of dirt, mud, chemicals, dusts, grease, oil, etc.
Students not checked in and in their seats at start time will be turned away. Check in begins one hour prior to class time. Students are advised to be at the Center at least ½ hour prior to the class start time.
Foul, abusive, inappropriate language, crude, suggestive comments or unwanted advances are prohibited. Participants suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol and/or in the possession of weapons will be asked to leave. Participants rejected for personal behavior may register for future classes consistent with the rules and procedures. However, second time violations will result in the person being banned permanently from future TRMA training. If a violation occurs, participant’s employer will be notified.
No one will be permitted to harass others. Everyone has the responsibility to avoid any actions, implied or explicit, which may suggest harassment in any form.
Tobacco use is prohibited inside the building but is allowed outside at break times.
Cell phones, radios, pagers and other electronic devices must be off during classes. Photographs are prohibited without instructor permission. Violators will be asked to leave. The computer lab strictly enforces the Electronic Device Policy of no visible electronics.
Students are given a photo ID as proof of a passing course. Training expires at 11:59 p.m. on the last day of the month and year listed on the card for each class. A failing score means that TRMA cannot confirm minimum safety knowledge. Individual host companies decide whether a person who fails the class will be admitted to their facility.
See Re-Take Policy