TREP needs YOU! TREP is an education-business partnership. TREP is possible ONLY because of its partners; their willingness to engage with one another and their shared interest in benefitting our youth.
The book, “Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap,” examined how great companies triumph over time. An element of greatness is, “companies need to exist for a higher purpose than mere profit generation in order to transcend the category of merely good” asserts the author, Jim Collins. TREP volunteers work with area schools, teachers, and students to improve student outcomes, demonstrating a higher purpose. Moreover by working with today’s students, companies not only achieve a higher purpose, they also influence their future workforce. As Jim Collins, states, “Great vision without great people is irrelevant.” And today’s students will be the workforce of tomorrow.
Please consider joining TREP and making a difference in your schools and community and in doing so, help our students to become a great future workforce.
TREP is first and foremost an education-business partnership. All of our initiatives and projects depend on our membership’s engagement with one another.
There is an interrelationship between good schools, good businesses and good communities.
Business Membership Application
Education Membership Application