Member Benefits
Expand and improve your business know-how through our powerful resource network
Gain a world of knowledge, save money & valuable time by joining Three Rivers Manufacturers’ Association (TRMA), a progressive, dynamic association of your manufacturing peers since 1933.
Programs and Networking Opportunities for all areas of your organization
- Safety
- Exclusive Pricing for Training
- Plant Management
- Environmental Compliance
- Human Resources
- Workforce Readiness
Informative Programs Cost-effective Training— saves you money
- First Aid/CPR/AED
- Scaffold and confined space
- Safety Forum to Network— provides answers to difficult issues
- Plant security dialogue
- Workforce development issues
- TRMA recently worked with county officials to amend Building Permit and Stormwater ordinances to streamline the process
- TRMA members experienced more than a 65% reduction in contractor injuries
TRMA Services
In addition to training programs and networking opportunities, TRMA also offers:
- Advocacy for the manufacturing community at the local level
- In house CBT development
- Contractor safety orientation training
- Site-specific safety orientation
- Contractor company safety reviews
- Meeting space equipped with audio/visual equipment
Additional Services
- TRMA Spill Response Cooperative Mutual assistance co-op formed by member companies to respond effectively to oil or chemical spills/releases occurring on local waterways.
- Wage and Salary Survey Periodic publications summarizing current wage, salary and fringe benefits data for Will and Grundy counties.
- Workforce Readiness Dialogue with local schools to communicate needs of the business community and develop strategies to meet those needs.
- Social Events Excellent opportunities to network with fellow members. Events include Annual Dinner Meeting and a Annual Golf Outing.
- Companies requesting streaming courses with be required to be members of TRMA. See application.
- Membership Directory Goods and Services Directory featuring information about member companies, TRMA and its activities.